Letter to Karl Marx

Highgate Cemetery,
North London,
Dear Brother Karl.

Salute. It is probably over a hundred years since you wrote the Communist Manifesto! I have gone through it severally and I feel like pen should meet paper. Give me a short while to tell you about how my day began and what it is like living in it.

You’ve heard of Kenya and notably a new foul cry from the Capitalists who mocked you, they have their new Manifesto! They have beautified it to goals and agendas. Brother, you explicitly cautioned against the freedom that is unconscious, free trade. We have it in the globe. The consumption and production you warned about is floating. We are threatening our own existence, and it seems this is the bullet we cannot duck! The bourgeoisie is at its peak, on our side push gets to shove each hour and we have to depend on towns though they map this into a beautiful goal that seeks to have a benevolent city life, with good houses of course but no clear plan for the rural, they must be holding to the idea of “idiocy in the remotes”.

 Early this morning I went to have some meat soup, that is how I start my day Karl…but some girls blocked my way. The argument was heated, and the disease too was entrenched in the conversation. It is about preference, taste and trends. We felt for the hook, new needs that their satisfaction craves for tangibles from “distant lands and climes”. You called out that, rem?

Comrade, my country is in danger! Forgive me for telling you this but our class struggles have heightened. The modern bourgeois are struggling against some monarchies and dynasties. The hope of a revolution-minded proletariat seems in vain because every time we give them shoulders to lean on they amass the necessary canine muscle to bite our pieces of land and bucks. We keep thinking we have bled enough but new veins keep sufficing that gush out enough to the joy of the feudalist. We too have tried distributing centres of power, however these just configure new frontiers and new “places of struggle in place of the old ones” Federalism it is. New Lords and suzerains against the peasants and serfs. Who should we send now, that won’t get lost in the fray of the bourgeoisie trying to dislodge the aristocrats who juxtapose our grievances with kleptomania? Answer me please Karl.

The men of the cloth! Have also abandoned the trail of sanity. In my country they pray for the bourgeois and aristocrats. What you called Christian Socialism…“the holy water that consecrates the heart-burning of the aristocrats” they now “vegetate” together since it is right.

Karl I might have a son soon, I don’t know how sure that would be but I need a copy of thought that I shall let stick with him. Perhaps my daughter too should think along the Communist Confession of Faith and avoid the opium. My day began in 19:93 hours and ended in 20:17 hours, certainly am waking up early tomorrow.

Please write back through my readers,

Cheers, Oltetia.


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