
Showing posts from December, 2016

Foreign Policy Restructuring

The election of Donald Trump to the helm of the United States presents an interesting scenario in relations between states and the Americans. The President-elect has greatly popularised his actions on social media which have elicited support and condemnation in equal measure. The Donald has praised with regards the Taiwanese considerations, applauded the European Union and embraced Iraq. The likelihood of propaganda application is certain. Diplomacy has a history of secrecy, and the American style is nothing far from it. This, however looks different. The international platform has had sentiments that favour the role of developing states in global prosperity. The level of cooperation between the global north and the south had grown and the terms of engagement availed choices which are an improvement. The change of guard might come along with stricter terms by The United States. The developing countries should now strive to improve their economic terms as a bargain with a business-borne...