
Information Warfare and the Idea of The State - Russia-US Case

    Photo Courtesy of Television Series: The Last Ship   Background The choice of the topic for the study was informed by the controversies surrounding the US elections in 2016 to 2017. There was founded allegations on technology-guided information warfare which was attributed to the Russian Internet Agency. This attribution is one in a sequence of complaints across Europe targeted at Russia. Information warfare, manifests itself in many ways and has existed before the period under study, however the researcher chose to narrow down to the dynamic of information warfare that uses technology. According to several scholars, information warfare is targeted on manipulations of the information systems, which they define as a combination of “knowledge, beliefs and decision-making processes.” Manipulation or rather distortion of information systems is carried through disinformation and misinformation campaigns. Russia in this case ran online platforms that misinformed the American p


Acts of terrorism, either against civilians or the uniformed forces are a plus for the terror groups. In the previous times, the civilians were the main targets. The Westgate attacks, Garissa University and many others were mainly targeted on the public. The police officers were also targeted but minimally. The target of this piece is not mere comparison of the scale of the attacks but rather the public response to each of them. Simple review of social media platforms like twitter, gives a very negative public response to attacks on police stations. News of such attacks cannot trend on such platforms and in the event they are shared replies and comments are few, with some being unsupportive of the police force. This dynamic, considering the role social media plays today could be the tip of an iceberg. What exactly makes the citizens irresponsive? Why have the attacks on the police stations increased?   Institutions can be rated upon their performance in service delivery to th